Final External Evaluation of the YOUTH Community Action Programme 2000-2006

Final report
PublicatiesGepubliceerd op: 01-01-07
Evaluation of the YOUTH Community Action Programme 2000-2006 for the European Commission. The European YOUTH programme aims at young people and youth organisations from EU Member States, EFTA and pre-accession countries. It tries to help young people in their development by providing exchange projects and volunteer work.

For this evaluation ECORYS conducted surveys under youngsters and organisations that participated in the programme, the participating youth workers and the national institutes responsible for the implementation of the different measures. This information was complemented with case studies in ten countries, interviews and desk research.

The evaluation of the programme was carried out by ECORYS and ECOTEC (ECORYS in the UK) in cooperation with Verwey-Jonker Institute (Utrecht) for the European Commission (DG EAC).


  • Jeugd en opvoeding

    Binnen de onderzoeksgroep jeugd staat de ontwikkeling en opvoeding van kinderen en jongeren hoog op de agenda. We onderzoeken kansen en belemmeringen daarbij, met veel aandacht voor de rol van opvoeders, moeders én vaders.

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