Continuity and change in Moroccan socialisation

A review of the literature on socialisation in Morocco and among Moroccan families in the Netherlands
PublicatiesGepubliceerd op: 01-01-04
In the Dutch media, child rearing among Moroccans in the Netherlands is pictured as something that is traditional and static, i.e. child rearing practices do not undergo much change after migration. However, this overview, based on existing research on child rearing in Morocco and the Netherlands, proves otherwise. Some of the more robust values and practices survive after migration but others are more receptive to change and develop at a rapid pace. For instance, ideals with respects to hierarchical and authoritarian relations between the sexes and generations remain, but, in practice, the autonomy of women and children increases. Moreover, the more situated, peer-based learning practices in Morocco are replaced by more conscious adult based instruction practices. In this study, these developments are explained referring tot both influences of the Dutch culture, the specific migration context and influences of modernization processes in Morocco itself.


  • Diversiteit

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  • Jeugd en opvoeding

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