Caring is sharing

Involvement of fathers in care and household tasks in five European countries
PublicatiesGepubliceerd op: 01-01-07
Gender issues and gender-related problems are on the agenda in most European countries. Female employment levels are still significantly lower than those of men. An analysis of domestic activities throughout the EU shows that men continue to devote less time to household tasks than their partners. However, mens participation in domestic chores and child care has certainly changed over the years, and this change seems set to continue.

Caring is sharing reflects the practice and views of fathers on their role within the house-hold and in caring tasks. Interviews were conducted with fathers in five European countries: Poland, Latvia, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. This report takes a close look at the fathers perspective on role sharing between men and women.

This report is one of the outcomes of the Pariteia project that sets out to: Promote gender equality in active European citizenship. Pariteia is an initiative of the European Movement in Brussels. The European Commission supports Pariteia through the European Community Programme.


  • Jeugd en opvoeding

    Binnen de onderzoeksgroep jeugd staat de ontwikkeling en opvoeding van kinderen en jongeren hoog op de agenda. We onderzoeken kansen en belemmeringen daarbij, met veel aandacht voor de rol van opvoeders, moeders én vaders.

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